Human Resources Policy

In our workplace, staff positions are determined in line with the needs of the enterprise, and it is ensured that all personnel understand that honorable work is only possible with efficient work.
In order to ensure the development of personnel, internal and external training programs to be determined at each level are implemented. Personnel are sent to courses, seminars or conferences within or outside the company. Technical training needs are identified by department managers and social training needs are identified by the Human Resources department.

ORAN POLYESTER KEÇE DIŞ TİC. SAN. ve TİC. A.Ş. Human Resources Policy is based on the following principles.
  • To prioritize the motivation and commitment of our employees to the organization,
  • To maximize the benefit from the talents, strength and creativity of our employees,
  • Creating equal opportunities among our employees,
  • To follow a transparent and open management policy for our employees,
  • To protect the material and moral rights of our employees,
  • To provide a qualified, peaceful and warm working environment where individual and corporate values are shared by creating a working environment that respects human rights without discriminating between employees based on race, religion, language and gender,
  • To review and update all our human resources practices according to the conditions of the day, and thus to ensure their continuous development by keeping them in a dynamic structure.